Monday, January 22, 2007

What Wonderful Wintery Weather

Sooo, yesterday as I'm rushing out the door late for my sons soccer game (his Dad switched days so he was with him yesterday)
I'm frantically zipping my pants and attempting to comb my fingers through my hair so that every other parent wont be giving me the hairy eyeball because the reason for my tardiness is CLEARLY written all over my face..when I realize its snowing!

OH...wrong post.

It snowed yesterday.


Gretzky was whipped up into a fine frenzy over the white stuff, and was beyond blissful when he realized it was frozen WATER (he loooooves frozen water, who needs doggy bones when your dog with do the dishes for an ice cube?) and what time wasn't spent chasing us down the hill was spent snacking on the sidewalk.
Last night we lit a fire in the fireplace and spent quality family time gathered around the hearth ("Squeeze" and I fell asleep while the wee V played game boy)

Unfortunately schools were not cancelled, just delayed two hours.

So basically while there was enough snow for a few fun filled trips down the hill in my back yard (followed by yapping yellow dog), there was not enough to cancel school or

So I dug my car out and shuffled off to work today..dropping the wee V at his child care person.

Still it was worth it...SNOW ::sigh::

The wee V won his game by the by, he's the keeper and had some BRILLIANT saves.

Woot woot.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Oh how Penny has fallen....

Once upon a time, I ranted a rant to end all rants about that dungeon of retail mockery Victoria's Secret.

And just a few weeks ago..your very own Penny actually went into said hellish establishment and...purchased a brassiere.

Well actually my sweetie purchased it for me..after my slobbering beast from hell ate my favorite bra..thereby prompting me to collapse in tears in the middle of the floor..and him to drag me to the local mall still sniffling..

And it was one of those fancy schmancy rah rah IPEX brassieres..

I love it...I am so ashamed...but I look fabulous.


A little change...

Or more likely me...a little change...a little at a time.

I was dead weary of the pink template, so I switched, but of course all of my customizationy thingers went poof, and I shall do my very bestest to spiff this up a bit..but really...the combination of being so busy I have to make an appt in my ledger to breathe...and having ADD..well dont hold YOUR breath to long..

But I may just enlist my squeeze with the big brain and his seemingly endless knowledge of all things computery to do it for me...actually that is a lovely idea.

Oh and yes you read it correctly...I still have the SAME squeeze.

And I'm still not bored. Miraculous tisntit?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Blah Blah Blah Blah....

Holy Schmackeral...what the hell happened to 2006?

May 2007 bring you all the lovely good things you want...and none of the nasty things you may deserve..

And may all your karma be good karma...