Friday, July 20, 2007

No more suprises..thankyouverramuch

Yesterday we had our Level II Ultrasound where they check the progress of the baby (brain present, heart present measurements and whatnot)
But what we spoilers really look forward to is finding out the gender!

Blah Blah Blah Blah I know life is full of little to no suprises..but if you recall spud was a suprise.

So without further's a boy. A happy healthy very active boy.

Mr Dreadful is of course over the moon, having been terrified at the idea of a girl.
silly man.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Little person...lots of stuff

From what I hear, most pregnant women look forward to the opportunity to shop for their little one with great abandon and joy. Pouring through catalogs, websites and dragging their partner though endless baby stores...almost from the beginning.
I am 4 days away from my halfway point (20 weeks) and I have not so much as given a thought to anything but a stroller and a baby carrier.
I have no motif for my nursery yet in fact (will suss that out soon...ish)
I have not yet begun a registry, nor shopped for clothes furniture or any other baby stuff.

This knowledge has been greeted with much suprise by other women. Both pregnant and not.

Is it my ADD? Some sort of latent denial of my situation? I dunno. Maybe it's just that this pregnancy has been so precarious I'm afraid to get caught up in anything, lest something go "wrong"
Negative Nancy?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Whole body experience.

Dear Random person.

Please do not think that reaching out and touching my pregnant stomach is ok, and do not be offended if you ask me and I say no. In fact dont ask, just assume I dont want someone whom I do not have a relationship with rubbing me.

Please understand that the politely glacial look I give you, or the good humored rebuff is me exhibiting manners.

What I want to do is slap you as hard as I can and tell you to keep your paws to yourself.

Also, telling me I am getting big/huge is just rude, I am pregnant..fuck off. The only person who needs to note my weight gain is my OB.
The same goes for my breasts, yes I know they are larger, it is rather difficult to avoid having cleavage when you left behind a DD and are onto new letters in the alphabet.
Rude sexual comments will get you a kick in the bollocks. Openly scamming on a pregnant woman is just gross. Like the grossest of gross.

Irritate the pregnant woman at your own peril.


Pregnant Penny full of ire.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Time has marched over me.

Sunday was that blessed event which shall someday be a national holiday known as "Penny's Birthday" yeah Penny.

I received loads of lovely presents and much adoration was heaped upon my burgeoning beauty.

However in true to myself form..I fell asleep early.

Being "of a certain age" and pregnant has made me boring as hell.