Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

I've got a cold, and my darling little angel is worshiping the porcelain god.
Karma? Or a cosmic balancing of the scales because we're so brilliant and gorgeous?
Either way....while our mental health is still lively...our physical health is sliding into the hopper.
So just a quick note to assure you all I am still alive.
(And lest you worry...there are tons of things to update..and as soon as my brain can stop wrestling for space with the mucus..I'll be a tap tap tapping away!)
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, surrounded by your loved ones.
May whomever or whatever you pray to, bless you and keep you safe this Holiday season.
Much love and Phlegmy kisses
Oh...and be aware... Furby's are not be fooled by their cute little furriness...while you are asleep they drink all your liquor, smoke camel unfiltereds, and try to knock up the cat...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Just the two of us....

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone"

When my son was younger, there was very little that couldn't be healed with a kiss, a hug or a self affirming chat with me assuring him he was the most wonderful thing since wonderful things became wonderful...
Now that he is older, there are complications from life that are beyond my powers as a loving mother to fix, and I hate it...
We want our children to learn problem solving skills, but it's painfully difficult to stand back and watch this process.
We want them to succeed, but we dont want to push too hard.
We strive to teach them to think for themselves, yet we dont want to see them ostracized by their peers for being different.
This fine line we walk as parents in this world is precarious at best.
And when as a single parent, the burden falls on your shoulders to be that everything to your child, it is nearly impossible not to make mistakes...not to falter..and not to feel like shit when you do.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Death By Chocolate

We had our company "Holiday" luncheon today.
They had one of those trendy new chocolate fountains..

Anyway, I have eaten way too much and have also mixed entirely too many food species..I am surely going to die.

Never ever ever get near a buffet when you've got PMS.
It's just asking for trouble.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

For every foot there is a shoe...

Frankly I am just flabbergasted... I think the listing says it all...thats_some_big_knickers

Really, what more could I possible add to this brilliant example of weirdness?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Well that explains it...

Do you know why athletes dont smoke?
Because it HURTS...
I had a soccer game last night, and as some of you may recall I went out twice this past weekend...and smoked like a canned ham.
Last night, once again my team did not have subs. Not one. So I got to play the whole game..yippie yippie joy joy..or more realistically hack hack wheeze wheeze.
I was sure I was going to leave a lung right there on the field...and for about three hours after the game I coughed and hacked like an old sailor.
Now, how I have previously worked out the "smoking only when I am at a bar drinking" thingymahooey is, I dont go Ok seriously I go out rarely and leave early.
Well thats shot to shit since one of my current paramours works in a bar as a bouncer type person. And of course for the next few weeks he works...Fridays and Saturdays!
Anyway, I hurt, my lungs hurt very very bad still this morning..
And I had another of my weird being chased in a stairwell dreams..stairwells play a big role in my nightmares...hmmm....