Thursday, October 08, 2009

A bunch of my teammates and I went to a bar after our soccer game the other.

It's a sportsbar, which is not my normal hang out (who the hell am I kidding? I have a two year old, the ball pit at IKEA is my normal hang out these days)

There was an airhockey table. And those who know me, know I love me some air hockey.

(the bruised knuckles from getting dinged with the puck, no so much)

A couple of firefighters (apparently this is also a local hangout for the firefighters..huh wonder why CA suggested it?) came over to chat us up.

-This never fails to amaze me. Men just dig chicks in soccer gear.

Anyway, one particular thick necked individual decided he would challenge me, and he even wagered money!! Now I'm not a betting person. But give me a sure thing? And I'm in.

So after I won twenty bucks and debated whether Varlamov or Theodore would be the starting goaltender for the Caps.

He said "You're the kind of girl my Dad told me I should marry"

I smiled and said "Thanks but I'm already engaged"

The tentative date is September 25.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Does Barry Manilow know you raid his closet?

(title nicked with much admiration to Andra)

Yesterday the much adored director John Hughes died.

I spent most of my formative years watching his movies.

His movies have stood the test of time of being relatable and most importantly quotable.

Everyone at one time of their life or another has been - the jock, the princess, the geek, the troublemaker or the freak...and we have John Hughes to thank for making all of them cool.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Patriotic show of snark

Happy Forth of July!

I hope you are all out celebrating our independence from the opressive tyrannical rule of Great Britain.

Woot woot.

Is it unpatriotic that I ate Maltesers?


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fate that Fickle Bitch

So it would appear that fate that fickle bitch is not done with me yet.

A strange lump appeared on my neck a month..ish back.

Went to Dr...and the Dr said.

"Looks like nothing but let's run some blood work just for fun!"

Results.."It's just a fatty cyst/tumor"

BUT...apparently my kidney function blood test (GFR..look it up) wasn't wonderful..

Went to my Nephrologist who ran bigger and better tests (and I've still got the bruising to show it)

Yes ladies and germs it would appear I have CKD....Chronic Kidney Disease..Stage III

Moderate Kidney Damage.

Well I can't say I'm surprised. I knew that having Spud would damage my kidney's more.


I'm ok really, good days and bad days dealing with the knowledge I have a CHRONIC ILLNESS.

but mostly...when my life is really grim..I'm funnier... in that morbid, clear the room kind of way.

So my blog posts should improve..or at the frequency should.

But to end on an up note...My rich nutter neighbor offered the use of her timeshare condo at the local tacky beach Ocean City!!

So my family and I shall be partaking of the mullety goodness this weekend.

I'll make sure and take lots of eyeball searing photos.. :-)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No idea.

I have no idea what I was going to post here. I saved a completely blank spot for no reason.

Weird huh?

Monday, May 11, 2009

From then to now...

So it's been (looking at calendar) 3 months since I last posted (I've actually started about a dozen, but never finished them and now they're no longer timely).

So lets see...highlights and lowlights.

1. The wee V is now 5'10 and puberty seems to be in remission (or at least the attitude does)

2. a whirling dervish of destruction. He has two modes..GO FAST..and sleep.

3. Mr. Dreadful and I are still renovating the old money pit..I mean house.

4. I'm still playing soccer (miraculous I know..I'm sure the ol' knees will buckle any day now)

5. I have my first actual real wrinkle, it's between my eyes on my forehead, perhaps from squinting? Mr. Dreadful say's most likely it's from giving stupid people the "stink eye".
My Mom has it I suspect he may be right.

6. I have embraced technology to the extent that I have both an iPod touch, a fussy digital SLR camera..AND..a Kindle.
How cool am I? Pretty damn cool..but now I obsess about people breaking into my house to
steal all my snappy new electronic gadgets.

7. I recently had a very dear friend from my misspent youth die. And it sucks, because the world was just a better place with him it (funnier for sure at least)

7. Ummm..thats it.... I guess doing an overview makes my life seem less interesting that a daily/weekly sorta posting does.

I shall endeavor to work on that!

Happy Belated Mothers Day to all my lovely mom type friends.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yesterday was a teacher workday for my Vinner (well today is as well, but his grandmother was lovely enough to volunteer to stay home today so I dont exhaust my leave)

So yesterday we decided to go see a movie.

After loading up on snacks at World Market (much better candy, and much less expensive) we decided on Inkheart, based on the book of the same name.

Vincent is teeter-tottering on puberty, meaning almost all the physical signs of maturity are present, but the rest of the mental and emotional stuff is still iffy depending on how the wind blows a particular day.

However, this post is not about the challenges of my darling first born randomly turning into a snide, sarcastic little shit at the drop of a hat, then swiftly back to my sweet child. FEAR NOT!

The movie was wonderful, I haven't enjoyed a movie that much in ages. Mind you it's been ages since I last went to a movie (10.75 for a small popcorn and a medium coke though really is absurd!) but I had such a wonderful time, and my Vincent was a true joy to be around, sweet, funny, and just plain cool.

Yeah for being his mom :-)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Moving on up!

The construction on the addition is complete.

FINALLY..I mean effing finally. (new year, gotta curb the cursing)

Moved the beds up Saturday, and have slowly been moving the rest of the stuff up since then.

It's nice for Spud to finally have his own room, even if it's over two feet smaller than blue printed, I have no idea what we're going to do when he outgrows the crib, because a twin bed will be a tight squeeze indeed..but will deal with that when it comes.

I have lots and lots of windows now..and french doors from our bedroom leading out to the back porch.


Thursday, January 08, 2009

Embarrassing confession

Red velvet cake cookies.

Simply the most divine things ever.

Except when you eat too many, and it changes the color of your pee.

Seriously, I almost had a heart attack on the hopper the other day.

I thought I was hemmoraging. But no, I was just stupid.

This is gonna be one hell of a year I can tell already.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Yeah, I'm late. But hey at least it's still January..