Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

I've got a cold, and my darling little angel is worshiping the porcelain god.
Karma? Or a cosmic balancing of the scales because we're so brilliant and gorgeous?
Either way....while our mental health is still lively...our physical health is sliding into the hopper.
So just a quick note to assure you all I am still alive.
(And lest you worry...there are tons of things to update..and as soon as my brain can stop wrestling for space with the mucus..I'll be a tap tap tapping away!)
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, surrounded by your loved ones.
May whomever or whatever you pray to, bless you and keep you safe this Holiday season.
Much love and Phlegmy kisses
Oh...and be aware... Furby's are not be fooled by their cute little furriness...while you are asleep they drink all your liquor, smoke camel unfiltereds, and try to knock up the cat...

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