Friday, April 28, 2006

A Semi-Formal Apology

Dear Garbage..person,

On behalf of my family...(and my neighbor) I would like to apologize for this mornings trash can of deathly stench.

While there were (obviously) many things I did not take into consideration when I decided to add another creature to the humble abode..

The prodigious amount of animal waste would be at the top of the heap (oy)

Between the mastiff, the puppy and the cat...we could fertilize the Mall (the one with the Monuments..not the stores)

I do sincerely apologize.

Especially since when I dropped a(nother) bag of goodies into the can last night I discovered my more-than-mildly incontinent neighbor also choose Friday as the day to toss in her " weekly bags of trash" as well. (she's old and cheap, so we share trash expenses)
The smell almost knocked me off my feet..prompting Vin who was a good twenty feet away to scream "Mom, what is that stink?"

You surely must have cursed me heartily this morning...again.

You are an underappreciated godly like person, and I do not blame you for shoving my trashcan into the holly that I get as scratched up as an old Lynyrd Skynyrd Album when I attempt to retrieve it.

May your weekend be free of offensive odors..

Thank you,


me said...

surely there is no need to apologise? they know the dangers of the job before they start.

tideliar said... I'm hungry....

me said...

the people that shovel the shit round here, god to be them. they are allowed to finish when they have completed thier rounds, no matter what time it is!
not only that but you have to be as qualified as hell too! to empty bins? don't understand that at all!