Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Maybe he can take up cross stitch..

I, as luck (snort) would have it..happen to work within sneezing distance of the US Federal Courthouse...
Yes THAT courthouse...where Zacarias Moussaoui is/was being tried

This has bunged up traffic to a point that is almost inexplicable..not to mention security as been tighter than a *ahem*

I have become accustomed to seeing federal marshals with assault weapons on the roof of my parking garage..and looking out the window during a meeting and watching my car get sniffed by a bomb dog..stranger still.

Well today they read the verdict.
Life in chance of parole.
And..that is that.

L i f e i n p r i s o n, no chance of parole...sentencing next week.


ldbug said...

Well, at least the bomb squad will leave your car alone now?

Penny Dreadful said...

I'm sure they're just as happy about that as I car is a mess.
They were probably thinking.."Well not a tourist, but whoa are they living our of here?"
Soccer balls, softball bat and glove, cleats, blanket, beachtowel, books, and..a travel scrabble game??"
and there's doggy nose prints all over my back