Thursday, May 11, 2006

Penny on the Block!

I know I'm going to get it in the arse for this one..but whatever.

I live in a suburb just south of Washington D.C.
The original houses were all built in the 40's. Something around here affectionately called "Post WWII boom housing" they are built sturdy as hell, but for a family of considerably lower maintenance than todays (meaning at MAX two bathrooms)
The yard sizes are all willy nilly, with one of my neighbors having a postage stamp sized lawn, while another has a 1/2 acre (like me)
Anyway, my neighborhood for several years now has been a nice neighborhood sandwiched between two increasingly bad neighborhoods.
In these bad neighborhoods there is a predominately Latino population.
Including ones of the biggest representations of the beloved MS13 from El Salvador (yes the ones who hack up their enemies with Machetes)

And frankly I have always thought it wonderful my son goes to a school where there isnt a cultural whiteout, that he learns tolerance and appreciation of all races, creeds, colors and religions, Vincents first "girlfriend" was a chinese orphan with lesbians as parents..rock on!
I constantly rib my brother in Wisconsin that the only his kids see anyone who is not as white as white can be white is on TV.

Well, Penny aint so zen about it any more.

Theres a new phenom in town and I am not happy.

Frankly my hood is turning into a scary assed place and I dont like it.

Small slab ramblers are being sold/bought, promptly gutted down to one wall, and then these ugly McMansions are being thrown up, and two or three latino families are shacking up together.

No lawn mowing is occuring, no house maintence at all. In fact sheets are the currently curtain of choice. But no matter what there's a "Dish" or two stuck somewhere in the yard.
But then how can they mow...when their cars are parked ON their front lawns??

I walk my dogs in the evening (and thank you god they give a WIDE berth when I've got Brutus on the line)and curse these dillweeds vehemently under my breath.
I no longer live in a nice friendly neighborhood.
Car vandalizations are rampant, as are muggings and even a MURDER? what the hell is that?
My brother keeps attempting to get me to move to Pissconsin, but I dont see that being the answer either.

There, a nice politically incorrect rant from Penny.

Forgive my intolerance, even I am not perfect.


me said...

unfortunately tidey is right, views like that can get you accused of racism. try it over here, the problems we have are multiplied. you cannot raise an eybrow here without being accused of being racist. and hang a st georges cross up on st georges day? no chance. you wait till the world cup starts, and it will be so and so complaining over our national flag and saying it's offensive. no it aint and if you don't like it, fuck off!
THATS offensive, but NOT said with racist connotations.
i love my country, i am proud to be english and won't apologise to ANYONE for that. there are plenty of black, yellow, brown, pink english people and thats whats important. we are english. if you have been lucky enough to be allowed into this country to escape persicution in your own, be fucking grateful, and adapt. this is england. get used to it!

sorry penny. and sorry to anyone who find my views offensive, or thinks them racist. this is not my intention.

me said...

noticed there has been no reply to this. if i have offended in any way penny, then i am on my knees begging you to forgive me. it was written after a bad night at work and hit on what had pissed me off through the night. shouldn't vent my spleen on you.
sorry sweety, sending you good vibes, nice thoughts and a pshycic bunch of flowers!

Penny Dreadful said...

You haven't offended me at all FF, I've just been slam damn busy.

While my first reaction of course was to jump on and defend what I was saying...I dont think it needs defense.

My neighborhood is looking run down and sketchy.
I dont like it.
I get verbally harrassed almost every time I go into the local quickie-mart.
I resent that.
I think it's pitiful that my sons school get's put on lockdown monthy because of gang activity in the neighborhood.

That doesnt make me a racist.
That makes me a homeowner, a woman, and a parent.

me said...

and obviously a good one as it is obvious that you care.
my sister used to live in a lovely area, but three years down the line it was a drug dealing slum, so i know what you are talking about!
so happy i aint offended.