Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tonights million dollar question...

Seriously gentlemen..answer this for me please, and ask your friends.

Why does it bother some of you, when a woman is better at SOME sports than you are?

I like being a girl, I'm feminine..

I have looovely long hair, I wear make-up..

But just because I happen to play a sport better than you on occassion..why is this a threat to you? Why does this piss you off?

Theorectically you say you like a woman who's athletic..but is the caveat ONLY if she doesnt actually perform better than you on the field of play?

I do not dance around and say "I'm better hoooah" or patronize you in any way.

And yet on the occassion like tonight when I have a stellar moment at bat and hit a 3 base run..your masculinity is threatened and you storm off home in a huff..

And men says women are complicated? Puh...Pot...Kettle Black?


tideliar said...

I think it's more than likely that whomever this gentleman is, and I use that term loosely, he feels threatened in his masculinity. I think he may be gay and not know it, or at least living in fear of his bi-curious nature. Your being better than him forces him to face his masculinity and find it wanting. He was probably breast fed until his early teens.

Penny Dreadful said...

I have no shame in admitting I adore you Tideliar.
You are a prince amongst the frogs.

tideliar said...


P.S. you're tagged

me said...

ooh!, shall we leave you two alone for a while?
candlelit table for 2!
only kidding. stormed off in a huff? must be gay! any real man would not have been pissed off, he would have taken the piss asking when you had the sex change! ha ha! you should have wrapped the bat around his head.

tideliar said...

It's like that line from Aliens, from one of the male marines to the female SAW operator...

"Hey, garcia, you ever been mistaken for man?"

"No. Have you?"


Penny Dreadful said...

Bugger off FF ;-)

I am sure Tideliar can attest that I neither feel nor look masculine ;-)
And you'de best attest just that or I'll kick your scrawy English a$$ ;-)
Oh wait..I mean..waaaaah no fair!

Penny Dreadful said...

You chowderhead, the scrawny ass comment was directed at Tideliar.
Having never slapped eyes upon yout posterior I would not dare to cast aspersions upon it.
Tidy is fair game (as always)

tideliar said...

er...I turn my back for two minutes and you two are at it like freshmen on a first date!

leave my arse outof it! Tis loverly. Small, yet perfectly formed...

Penny Dreadful said...

shut up Brooks. shut up now.