Thursday, May 04, 2006

Wait is my blog about my life? Or is my life about my blog??

You know your blogging is getting out of hand when you have a conversation with a friend on the telephone about your blogs..and the comments you have left on each others blogs.
Clearly I need an intervention..


me said...

IT IS ALL I LIVE FOR! my server went down for two days, sat here like i was doing cold turkey from cracck addiction!

Candy Minx said...

This is me too, its so funny. I am always telling my boyfriend about this and that and what so so said how i wrote back etc etc "my blog my blog my blog" ha ha I've actually always been this way though...I have been participating in two online book clubs for ten years and I always talk about the fights, I mean the discussions we have about Moby Dick or Da Vinci Code or something...actually I find al of this feeds into each other and with "real" life too...I love it. Keeps us young and our our toes I think.


tideliar said...

:) me too! I changed my template and added some stuff, and I was so excited I just wanted to tell people about it! Obviously no one really gave a shit. Was very frustrating!

me said...

i have started to realise that i talk to you lot more than real people! the thing is though, you all seem to be on the same wave length.
and i love it!

tideliar said...

I'm getting excited cos I might be finally heading back to the UK for a visit at the end of the year. thought about maybe looking some of you old sods up...

Penny Dreadful said...

However, there are exactly five people who know me in real life who know about this blog.
Otherwise how could I talk smack about everyone?