Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The prodigal penny has returned

I'm home..on terra homa.

My luggage however, is in milwaukee.

I'm am tired..and good lord it is hot here.

Will fill all of you lovelies in on my shennanigans in the dairy state...when my brain arrives ..like the silly girl I am I packed it in my checked luggage.

Yawn...back to bed..or at least the sofa


tideliar said...

Hoorah!! Welcome home!

(I mean, of course, the internet :) )

Musicgirl said...

Hey! I have to say, I missed you dear Penny...

...get ready...Tidy will be here in two weeks!!!!

Penny Dreadful said...

I'm ready! Went to the Market last night
Got Wesson oil, a watermelon and a box of rubber gloves...just as Tidy requested!

me said...

now thats one post we will all be looking forward to!
sounds fruity.
hope you had a good trip.