Thursday, July 13, 2006


Yesterday afternoon I am diligently slaving along at my place of enslavement when...pffft.

My computer reboots itself...Well crap.

After the does it again...and again.

So like a good little office lemming I call my MIS department and say "My computer has gone postal and is holding me hostage, please bring a gun"

After staring my my computer attempting to reboot itself is officially declared dead.

And I get..a new hard drive...and therefor lose everything on my old hard drive.

The MIS guy asks me "Do you want me to attempt to recover anything from your previous hard drive?"

Frantically searching my memory...not for important work mind you..but illicit ramblings/pictures/blah dee blah blah I may have stupidly saved (or not so cleverly hidden) and would very much NOT want recovered and viewed by our MIS department..I say "Um no, thats ok, I'm sure I can recollect whatever information I may need"


Let this be a lesson..for whatever you wish it to be..
It would just be a shame to lose all my "stuff" without one..dont you think?


me said...

get yourself a little memory stick, and put all personal stuff onto that. save any bother and means you can transfer to your home pc.

tideliar said...

Yup Yup Yup.

rhythmic PhD


Penny Dreadful said...

Thanks for the tip Cappucino, I'll do that. :-)

Tidy, I think you're neato mosquito :-)

Musicgirl said...

Penny, you're a poet...did you know it?

...ONE MORE WEEK before the homecoming of all homecomings!!!!

Penny Dreadful said...

I know I'm stocking up on condiments already! ;-)

me said...

judging by tideys blog, it should be condoms you are stocking up on.
they'll be at it like bloody rabitts!
bless em!
reading about those two is the closest i get to a sex life these days. ah the sanctity of marriage.