Monday, August 14, 2006

Public Service Announcement

I'm back.
Just to bring everyone up to date in the last month(ish) I....
Turned 33...again.
Got mugged on my way to see "The Tideliar" when he was here (I blame him)
Did my time on the "God Squad" (Volunteered at my sons VBS) and discovered that organized religion and I...still dont march to the same drummer.
Lost 7 pounds...but amazingly still have my ass.
Nursed my mother back to ambulation after her foot surgery...and didnt kill her.
And...furthered my plot for world domination!!!

There that should bring all of you up to speed.


tideliar said...

I blame me too :( welcome back

Penny Dreadful said...

I dont really blame you..I'm just being snarky...

me said...

you're alive!!!
hurrah. glad you are ok, nice to hear someone is losing weight. i ate salads all the way through my holiday and i am still like the side of an house.
welcome back.

me said...

i am noticing a pattern here. all goes well, i post a comment, all goes quiet.
co-incednce? hmm. not sure.

Anonymous said...

now i am getting ever so slightly paranoid.