This is Michelle Gardner Quinn. She is 21 years old and a Senior at the University of Vermont.
She was last seen at 2:15am on the morning of Saturday 7 October, 2006 after parting company with a group of friends celebrating a birthday at a local bar in Burlington Vermont.
She was reported missing Saturday night when she failed to meet her parents who were up from Virginia for "Parents Weekend", and has now been missing for 6 days.
Michelle is described as a wordly traveller who has studied abroad in Costa Rica, Brazil and South Africa, fiercely intelligent and independent.
She is also the 21 year old daughter of a co-worker of mine.
A kind, well spoken man who adored his daughter and spoke of her with great pride very often.
That this would happen to any parent is horrifying, that I can put a familiar face to the suffering is absolutely heartrending.
That my sympathy is not for "those poor parents" but for "JC" someone I've talked to weekly at least makes it so much more raw that my heart just literally aches for him and he wife.
This is a horror that words cannot express, it is beyond words.
The burgenoning fear that JC and his wife must have faced that Saturday night makes my insides just twist.
I know the day I came home and Vin wasnt there, and I didnt know where he was for almost an entire hour was the most terrifying experience of my life..hands down.
The panic you feel is visceral, and you are helpless to do anything, and can only hope for the best, while imagining the worst, and it is amazing the depths your mind can conjour at these times.
I just keep repeating "This isnt happening...this isnt happening" Until I fairly shouted it over it over.
I pray with all of my heart that his result will be much as mine...his child will be safe and he will hug her and tell her he loves her and the vice grip around his heart will lessen so he can breathe.
...Updated Friday = 13 October, 2006
As some of you have already learned.
The body of Michelle was found earlier today.
I am frankly just to fucking upset to post coherently.
fuck it all.
T. I'm so sorry.
OMG. I am so so sorry. I 've been watching the local news and said a few prayers. Now I'll pray for you and the heartache you must feel. I am so sorry T.
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