Friday, October 05, 2012

I'm in with the out crowd.

Spud started preschool last month. And he's going to the same preschool that his older brother attended 11 (ish)years ago. I was so happy that Spud could go to the same preschool, not only is it convenient to my house, but I recall how just plain awesome the teachers, assistants and just plain everyone was. I stupidly assumed they would still be so awesome and laid back. What the hell happened to preschool? The pressure is unbelievable. Not just on the parents but on the kids. Homework every night? Scissor skills? PENMENSHIP? SERIOUSLY? Even when the wee V. was a tot, preschool existed to give your child a place to be social, to understand how to behave in a classroom, interact with your peers. Get a head start on your alphabet and numbers and make cool crafts. Ugh.

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