Monday, April 03, 2006

Love, you need is kibble..

Theres a plot afoot.

Howevermany years ago. We decided to get a cat. So I went to the local animal shelter and found two perfectly lovely ones, a calico and a fat grey one...put them on "hold" and brought my son to meet them the next day.
The calico ran under a chair in the visiting room, refusing to come out, and the grey one fell into a narcoleptic snooze right in the middle of the floor.
So they're no go with the little man...and out we go to look around.
My son stops in front of the cage of a skinny, snot nosed, runny eyed orange tabby cat who was missing half his whiskers..and declares he want to visit with this one..oh joy.
So into the visiting room we tramp..sensing immediately whose bread was the top slice, the orange germ-a-kitty promptly crawls into my sons lap and starts purring.
::sigh:: sold.
Welcome Darwin..
So whose head does he snooze on now, who does he hollar at when he wants food or the window opened? Mine of course. (by the by, once he gained some weight, and lost the cold, his wiskers did grown back and he's a wonderful cat)
So three-ish years ago, I decide to add a dog to this mix.
So after much this and that and propaganda as to the breeds adoration of children.., I decided to rescue a Dogo Argentino (look it up) and after a trip to meet him halfway..
Brutus becomes a part of our who does he wait for by the door, attempt to heft his pony size proportions on and stare adoringly at with big doggy eyes? again.

So when a teammate hauled two of her labradors puppies to a soccer game, I vowed to stand firm.
No more animals.
Hi Gretzky...welcome to the fold.
This time though I was ready to head the problem off at the pass.
I set the crate up in my sons room, having read that sleeping in close proximity to a human not only reduces the whining (in this case true) but also bonds the dog with said slumbering human.
And tried to diminish my role to outside in middle of night escort.
One week later my son is cannot get out of bed, good for zip sick for close to a week..
So whilst I was still the midnight escort "Do your your business" I also became the feeder, player, and whatever else...

Well, now my son is better, my cat having hidden in the laundry room for a week is thinner, and my bigwhitedog Brutus is none to happy with the ADD yappy puppy who thinks I'm all that and a bag of kibble now following me everwhere.. (andBrutus showed this yesterday by peeing on the puppies head)

And yet my shiny goodness remains shiny and good..I just need a nap.


Penny Dreadful said...

AGAIN? Bad kitty! bad bad!
Gretzky ate half of a flip-flop...and then hurked it back up on my soccer bag.

me said...

you think you have pfoblems?
have you read my blogs?
try looking at "fighting like....."
oh my god. its been three weeks and they still try to rip each other to bits!