Monday, April 24, 2006

Redneck by association..National Rifle Association that is..

In my efficiency hut at my place of enslavement I have a bulletin board that I stick random and conversationally akward things on (not actual work mind you..that would just be silly)
Recently I posted a picture of my brother in full redneck mode kneeling in front of a deer he had hunted down and slaughtered last fall in the wilds of's blood dramatic against the snow in front of him. (I actually have it posted because it's a 16 point buck with a drop tine, which is rather unique)
Some people react rather amusingly to this, you can tell they're moderately repulsed, but dont want to actually SAY anything for fear I might try to stuff them and hang them on my wall.
I myself do not hunt. Don't have the inclination. My father attempted to take me hunting on my youth, didn't take. I dont like shooting live things..targets..yep, and I'm a great shot as well. But I dont jones on taking life, it messes with my karma.
But since hunting is beyond a religion in my's actually a career for one member of my "clan" I just keep my trap shut and roll with it (besides, who knows when the ability to clean and gut a dear will come in Not to mention the lifetime membership in the NRA, which was a gift from my father when I turned 18....hoooah)

Anyway, back to the picture. My brother and I dont look a thing alike...aside from both being gorgeous that is...actually to be shocking my brother is even better looking than I.
I am told he looks like Johnny Depp...only less scrungy
I of course am far superior in intellect.
But where I am pale and blonde with dark eyes, he is tall, swarthy(what a great word)with dark hair and gold/green eyes..
Maybe thats why physical beauty doesn't turn my brain to mush, I'm used to entire family is gorgeous...

Anyway a person wandered into my hut today..and upon seeing said photo asked me if he was single (at least she didnt ask me if he was was boyfriend, which HAS happened and is just icky)
and then told me she thought the picture was inflammatory.


1 comment:

me said...

lets see it then...i am intruiged.