Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I beg your pardon?

So, whilst at my old OB's office picking up my dusty records from my first roll down the birthing alley (I'm switching to a new one for this act) I managed to liberate a magazine on Pregnancy (seriously, they have a magazine about it! only 9 issues in a subscription..natch) anyway in this particular magazine, buried between pages of adverts (apparently pregnancy has taken over being gay as an untapped market..so there were A LOT of adverts)
There was an article about "dating when you're pregnant"

How to DATE when you're already pregnant.

It contained tips on things such as when to tell your new beau that you're pregnant, whether you should explain how you got pregnant, at which point should you stop dating when you're pregnant.

I wonder how most men would take this bit of news - not the shining Adonis' of virtue whose stories are contained in those pages, but real live men...

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