Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The mating dance

Alrighty! So I had a craptastic date the other night who spent the dining portion of the evening watching the fucking football game over my shoulder..
My relief that the movie we were going to see was sold out was palpable.
And I ended that tortuous event immediately, feining concern for his "busy day tomorrow"
Yeaaaah Riiiight. Like I really give a crap about ya'll day when I want's all about me.
Anyway, it was 8:45...And considering I had already procured childcare for the evening, and goddammit I looked hot as hell, I called a local friend and demanded she meet me at the dive up the road...after I went and purchased the demon weed tobacco. I quit smoking over a month ago..and a shitty date has me sliding back into a haze of tobacco!
My friend is a regular there..everyone knows her. And I shit you not I mean everybody..she's like Norm..only significantly less rotund.
Whereas, I am a regular nowhere but the sportsplex where I play soccer..
Hence nobody knows me. I am the "woman of mystery"

According to my friend was it was unusually busy for a Saturday night (meaning it was pretty much packed)..possibly due to the holiday week approaching....whatever the reason, it worked for me..better for me to just sit back, work a little of my magic, and watch the weirdness.

And one last note..I have resigned myself to the fact I like "guys" me a man in touch with his emotional feminine side and I'll show you a puke bucket...
Or in the now infamous words of a very dear friend "I just cannot be attracted to a man I could take in a fight"



Penny Dreadful said...

I have never shagged you because I respect you too much as a person, I wouldnt want to compromise our friendship ;-)

Penny Dreadful said...

and in completely unrelated news, I was almost struck by lightning after my above comment, coincidence?