Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Confessions on the bedroom floor...kitchen counter... and atop the washing machine.

On the way to work the other morning I heard a DJ on the radio talking about a recent study stating that 44% of men in the UK would prefer NOT to have sex on the first date...
Now..granted I am an American, but I have dated several lovely men from across the pond...and even almost married one.. having also made numerous trips across the pond...and observed said species in their natural habitat..(plus my ex-beloved has 5 brothers) I feel I have a pretty good understanding of the hybrid known as "the british bloke"

So at first I was quite perplexed by these findings, since every British man I know and adore (yes that means YOU too) would likely screw a post if it flirted with them. I even attempted to query a friend, but he was too busy finding the cure for ricketts or other such nonsense to return my calls....
Then...I recalled a conversation I had with my once beloved about the concept of "dating" versus "sex" ..
"Going on a date" as we know it, is an American concept...we "go on a date" as in make plans to spend an evening charming the opposite gender in the hopes that they will like us and we will like them enough to progress further to said 2nd date...it is part of the getting to know you process before the actual term of "dating"

So, when I asked him how many women he had dated (not advisable but love had made me stupid) he gave a number that was not alarmingly large so I filed it away....and that was that....So upon my first visit to fair Albion I was suprised to be greeted by some hostility from a few of the resident females....which I queried as to whether he had "dated" any of them...and he responded "Fuck No! I mean I've shagged them, but I havent dated them, I've fucked loads of women, but they didnt mean anything"

After I regained conciousness, and I explained the difference for Americans, he scoffed and said "thats just silly, Americans are all are such prudes"
SO....NEVER EVER EVER ask your British boyfriend this question. If he loves you he will be forced to lie....and you do not want to know the answer anyway....He is with you now, and that is what counts.

p.s. if however by chance you've just been "pulled" and are thinking/hoping it might mean more...it probably doesnt.
Again this is just my experience/observations speaking, but British men are generally loathe be rude to a woman, they dont WANT to tell you they arent interested in more...but if you press them, stalk them, force their hand, THEY will tell you to bugger off...

I realize I may have digressed a bit, but ADD sometimes has it's own path..


Musicgirl said...

...ah...is someone trying to tell me something?

Penny Dreadful said...

Nope. I heard the stats on the radio, and I almost spit my gingerbread latte across my dashboard...finding it and my related experience too amusing/absurd not to write about.

Musicgirl said...

Noooo! Not the gingerbread latte!!!!
but I guess it was worth it. This is a very useful post indeed...you are wise Penny